The Last Day of Christmas

We’ve been following along the once happy couple, thankfully, today is the last day of Christmas we celebrate. I’m sure the damsel is overjoyed the gifts will finally stop. But today the once true love dropped off twelve drummers drumming and the rest of the gifts that accumulated. The sheriff was waiting and took the delivery drivers into custody, the damsel wishing not only to file charges, but she also wants compensation.

Today we’re not sharing the song, I think I speak for everyone, enough!

We close the book on the couple, their problems and remember, Jesus is the reason for the season. His is the one gift we all will be grateful for long after the tree and trim are taken down. As we close out this official season I want to remind everyone that Christmas is just as close as you want it to be. December 25th is just a day set aside for remembrance, the real gift is remembering every day, every moment.

A man running from his past. A woman facing a new future. A voyage neither will forget.

Tragic decisions changed DR’s life forever. His dad was supposed to protect him, keeping him from harm. But hidden family secrets chased DR away instead, and twenty years later the secret still exists.

Now DR focuses on three things: getting away from the do-gooders, starting his own boutique cruise, and losing the taunting voice in his head. And after arriving in Marsala everything is almost perfect, as if a divine hand was helping, but that couldn’t be.

Soon twelve passengers and crew set sail on a thrilling adventure with Steven (DR) Ray, now a world famous archaeologist and confident captain of his own boutique cruise. But their yacht is randomly marked entering the Suez Canal leaving the Mediterranean by a terrorist organization. After reaching Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pay-for-play terrorists set the plan in motion. And failure isn’t a choice.

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Our real true love!

For God so loved the world that he gave, His only begotten son, that whosoever beliefs in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

John 3;16
praying Jesus
Jesus freely gave all that we could live forever with Him. In this we believe

Give the gift of love, share that with someone every day, and rejoice with them

No gift can ever compare to the true gift of Christmas, a Savior.

At least the rumor uses the song in a way that draws attention to Christ. Although we celebrate Jesus birth as Christmas, many, unbelievers, would rather celebrate Santa Claus as a mythical being for their children, never telling them about Jesus. The true original gift giver was God, he gave us Jesus, and His gift of salvation and redemption. Life eternal with our God. The song is supposed to disguise the twelve points of the Apostles creed today by using the twelve drummers drumming

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No matter what anyone says, remember, there is only one reason for Christmas, the celebration of Jesus birth. That we celebrate demonstrates we believe.

Trademark Image for Lee Wimmer - Author
Lee Wimmer – Author

This post, The Last Day of Christmas  originally appeared on  Copyright © 11/05/2021 -2024 by Lee Wimmer Dream Big couple image trademark for Lee Wimmer – Author All rights reserved. by Lee Wimmer. For contact page click here.

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