Tenth day of Christmas gift

The true love can’t believe the persistence of her ex-boyfriend. Even though she has now posted her property, notified authorities, and called off their relationship—he continues with the gifts. Guess what the Tenth day of Christmas gift is. Can’t? Let’ s just say the nine maids a milking now have company, or does a Lord bow to working class ladies? Can’t say, but they may have to. I think the damsel has run out of space to go along with her patience.

What’s the purpose of this Tenth day of Christmas gift again?

I have a question though, exactly what is the purpose of the tenth day of Christmas gift? I know he wants to continue for the entire celebration, he’s probably preordered online, or had them sent to him already. Maybe he’s been housing them at his place, that could explain why he’s still giving the gifts, he’d rather be rid of them than keep his relationship alive. But exactly what’s the purpose of ten Lords a leaping? If anyone knows please send me a comment.

A man running from his past. A woman facing a new future. A voyage neither will forget.

Tragic decisions changed DR’s life forever. His dad was supposed to protect him, keeping him from harm. But hidden family secrets chased DR away instead, and twenty years later the secret still exists.

Now DR focuses on three things: getting away from the do-gooders, starting his own boutique cruise, and losing the taunting voice in his head. And after arriving in Marsala everything is almost perfect, as if a divine hand was helping, but that couldn’t be.

Soon twelve passengers and crew set sail on a thrilling adventure with Steven (DR) Ray, now a world famous archaeologist and confident captain of his own boutique cruise. But their yacht is randomly marked entering the Suez Canal leaving the Mediterranean by a terrorist organization. After reaching Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pay-for-play terrorists set the plan in motion. And failure isn’t a choice.
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This is a wonderfully done rendition.

Who knew back then what the Tenth day of Christmas really meant?

All that love stuff aside, getting to the rumor and what the tenth day of Christmas gift was supposed to secretly stand for was the ten commandments that God gave Moses. The rumor goes that early Christians used the song to communicate to other believers. As a believer I don’t need a song, so I can easily see why that was dispelled. If you need a song may I suggest one of my favorites and a Christian classic, Amazing Grace. click here to listen.

At least the rumor uses the song in a way that draws attention to Christ. Although we celebrate Jesus’ birth as Christmas, many, unbelievers, would rather celebrate Santa Claus as a mythical being for their children, never telling them about Jesus. The true original gift giver was Jesus, His gift of salvation and redemption. Life eternal with our God.

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Might I suggest a perfect gift to you?

God’s gifts are perfect, unlike the couple in our story, His gifts are timely and never ending. Jesus, our savior, gives the gift of forgiveness, healing and salvation, the best gifts anyone’s true love ever gave, His sacrifice became our perfect gift.

No matter what anyone says, remember, there is only one reason for Christmas, the celebration of Jesus birth. That we celebrate demonstrates we believe.

Trademark Image for Lee Wimmer - Author
Lee Wimmer – Author

This post, Tenth day of Christmas gift,  originally appeared on  www.leewimmer.net  Copyright © 11/05/2021 -2024 by Lee Wimmer All rights reserved. Dream Big couple image trademark for Lee Wimmer – Author

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