My intention is to create a place where you can come find a good read, a way to let your imagination bask in far away ideas and places. A place free of political tension and the divisiveness of the day, and hopefully inspire you to read even more.
This portion of the website is devoted to quick stories and view points I like to share, to get your comments, and get to know each other. The other portion of the site is devoted to providing quality literature for you to enjoy. On that note I want to point out that my first FREE novelette is now available to you.
I will only mention them on the blog when they are new or something in them is trending or popular at that time. But I do hope you will sign-up and become a regular reader. I like to think that my writing is providing quality entertainment and realistic stories.
![Cover to short story](
I’m currently working on the next “FREE” read, THE GIRL FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FOREST. Those who have already subscribed to read BASEBALL, CHILI DOGS and MURDER will receive an email the day of my next release. I hope you will all enjoy this first installment and look forward to many more, as we journey through the days before my original novel series, OBSESSED INTENTIONS is published, and placed in stores and online for sale.
Until then I look forward to our journey and may God bless us all.