Mrs. Moore and Me—a short story


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This short story contains 3860 words (approx.).

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When I first met Liz I knew there was something special about her. The three weeks I spent playing “house” with her when we were twelve was magical. I was mesmerized by her beauty, imagination, and attention to detail. The old, abandoned lake house we played in seemed to come to life, her descriptions left nothing to chance. She was my Mrs. Moore.

Magical moments always end, but my time with Liz changed everything, including me. I couldn’t know that those three weeks would forever change my destiny.

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Mrs. Moore and Me, 4th edition, copyright©10/24 by Lee Wimmer

This is a work of fiction, any similarities, descriptions, locations, persons, or businesses is purely coincidental and not the intention or implication by the author.
Mrs. Moore and Me first edition was originally copyright© 11/2021 by Lee Wimmer