The Hallway of Expectation (Paperback)


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Who might you meet while on the brink of desperation?

The Hallway of Expectation is a place we all go, sooner or later. James, the main character, and his wife, in answer to prayer have left their home, jobs and friends, moving to a city ten hours to the north. He prayed that his family would move to his hometown, but that’s not what God had planned. James and Ann, his wife, were taken to the Hallway of Expectation. The place where we often go before pushing on to the next level or thing. When the door shuts behind you and the door in front is still closed, you are in the hall of expectation.

     James, a believer, is headed to a larger city an hour or so away, he decides to stop and take a break, get a snack as his mom always suggested before traveling on and going to work. He decided to stop at a duck pond that he has passed so many times, but seldom stopped. There he meet’s his guardian angel who takes him to the hallway, where the Helper instructs the angels that James must “learn” to use the promises of God to receive the things he is expecting. He is told he must write it down, so that he can pass it on to the other children, helping them to receive their promises too.
As you enter into the hallway draw your sword (God’s word), find the key, and open your door.